Where should you stay in Amsterdam?
Here are a few recommended hotels that are within close proximity to our venues. Visit Booking.com one of the biggest hotel operators which allows you to get some of the best deals available.​ Please note Dancehall Episode are not responsible for hotel bookings or terms and conditions during stay and guest should consult with individual hotels.
Where are our events?
Our events take us all across the UK, Holland, Spain, Greece and Dubai.
Where are the best hotels to stay?
The best hotel for the DHE Goes Dubai Weekender is
'The Voco Monaco Hotel Dubai at World Islands,' where our events will take place.
Two of our wristband options include accommodation at 'The Voco Monaco Hotel Dubai at World Islands.
Those who have opted to book wristbands without
accommodation will need to book their accommodation on the mainland of Dubai.
Where are the venues?
Our venue for DHE Goes Dubai will be the 'Voco Monaco Hotel Dubai at World Islands.
We only use the best venues to ensure you get the best experience.
What is the age limit?
DHE is an 18+ event. All attendees require ID.
Due to our wide demographic, we have attendees who have regularly celebrated their
50th birthdays with us as well as 21st birthdays
How do I purchase wristbands?
You can make purchases via our Reps and DJs or directly from our website here.
Can people make down payments/deposit payments?
Yes, down payments/deposits are accepted for a limited time only for our Weekenders. Balances must be paid on deadlines clearly stated on the main event page.
What is the refund policy?
Unfortunately, all payments are non-refundable or non-transferable. Please see our terms and
conditions for more details.
How do I obtain my wristbands?
Confirmation emails with details about collecting your wristbands are sent prior to the Weekender.
General tickets with a reference or barcode are produced and shared by our online ticket
site partners. I'm not sure about this part.
What should I do if I have not received the wristband
collection information?
If you haven't received your email confirmation and you have made a payment,
please get in touch with us immediately at dancehallepisodeconfirmations@gmail.com
Does my wristband cover all the events?
From time to time, selected events will be excluded from your wristband.
These events will be sold separately, and you will be notified accordingly.
Are there dress codes?
Yes, we are very well known for our themed parties, and there will be dress codes for
certain events. Please see the main event page for themes and dress codes.
Do I need a passport to attend?
Yes, if you are travelling from/ to a different country. Please ensure your passport
is valid per the travel conditions for the region you are attending. Please also check
the entry requirements for that country.
Do I need travel insurance?
Yes, please ensure you do this when booking your flights &/or accommodation.
Do I need to make travel arrangements from the Airport?
Yes, all wristband holders are responsible for booking travel arrangements from the Airport.
Please see specific information based on the wristbands below.
Wristband holders with accommodation
Please make travel arrangements to Dubai Water Canal Ferry Station – Jumeirah 2.
Here, you can board the daily transfer boat, 'Shuttle service' (included with wristbands), which will take you to and from 'The Voco Monaco Hotel Dubai at World Islands' where you can check in and get settled.
Shuttle timings are to be confirmed closer to the Weekender.
Wristband holders WITHOUT accommodation
Please make travel arrangements from the Airport to your accommodation.
I have booked a wristband without accommodation.
How do we get to 'Monaco World Island' from mainland Dubai?
Prior to events, please make your way to Dubai Water Canal Ferry Station – Jumeirah 2 to board the daily transfer boat.
'Shuttle service' (included with wristbands) to and from Dubai mainland to Monaco World Island for all events.
Shuttle timings are to be confirmed closer to the Weekender.
What is the primary language spoken?
The primary language spoken at our events, regardless of the country we are in, is English.
However, in Dubai, both English and Arabic are widely spoken.
What is the main currency used?
DHE payment points will accept pound sterling via cash or card machines.
In Dubai, the main currency is the UAE dirham.
What if I have an emergency?
If you need to call local emergency services for assistance in Dubai, please use
999 for Police
998 for Ambulance
997 for the Fire Department
Are the party locations safe?
Generally, the areas where our events are held are safe and well-policed.
We advise you always to exercise common vigilance whenever travelling in a different country.
Can I do illegal drugs?
Dancehall Episode has a zero-tolerance policy for illegal drugs, and anyone found to be in possession of illegal drugs will have their wristbands removed and could be reported to the police.
What if I need further help or support?
If you require further assistance, please get in touch at dancehallepisode@gmail.com