Where should you stay in Amsterdam?
Here are a few recommended hotels that are within close proximity to our venues. Visit Booking.com one of the biggest hotel operators which allows you to get some of the best deals available.​ Please note Dancehall Episode are not responsible for hotel bookings or terms and conditions during stay and guest should consult with individual hotels.
Accessibility support service
At Dancehall Episode, no matter how big or small your needs may be, we are committed to being inclusive and ensuring everyone can attend our Weekender confidently and get the whole experience.
Our 'Accessibility support service' enables those with specific medical needs or conditions or those who are less able or disabled to request assistance for all events and excursions or certain aspects of the Weekender. The 'Accessibility support service' comes in various forms and may look like additional support entering and exiting our events or venues across the Weekender, queue jump for those who have mobility issues, wheelchair access, specific seating requirements at events, medical support, bathroom access, and more. As part of our accessibility promise, we prioritise training our staff to respond in the most discrete, practical and understanding ways possible, no matter the size or type of your needs.
Accessibility support service eligibility and Accessibility Companions
To be eligible for our 'Accessibility support service,' we will require some information about yourself and the specific type of support you need. Please complete the Eligibility form as openly and honestly as possible. In some cases, you may be asked to provide evidence to support your request. All information submitted will be treated with confidentiality and within our GDPR guidelines.
We understand that attending our Weekenders can be daunting when you have additional needs. There may be occasions when you require an 'Accessibility Companion,' which could be a friend or family member who can make things easier for you. If you feel this may be the case, please complete the 'Accessibility Companion' section on the 'Eligibility' form.
We kindly ask that you submit the 'Eligibility' form for our 'Accessibility support service" at least 30 days before the Weekender you wish to attend. Please see the deadlines below. This form will further aid us in being able to support and tailor our services to your accessibility needs in the best way possible. It will give us sufficient time to prepare so your experience can be as comfortable and memorable as possible.
Please allow ten working days for us to process your 'Eligibility forms'.
Accessibility support service Eligibility form deadlines
DHE Goes Greece - 23rd April 2024
DHE Goes Dubai - 26th August 2024
You can access the 'Eligibility' form here.
Purchasing wristbands
We advise submitting the 'Eligibility' form ASAP before purchasing the wristband to avoid disappointment.
Once we have processed your 'Eligibility' request, you will be contacted personally and directed to purchase wristbands best suited to your needs. This will also apply to your 'Accessibility companion'. You can purchase wristbands via our Reps and DJs or from our website here.
Once you have completed your wristband purchase, we will send you all the relevant information based on your requirements.
Further information regarding event locations and Accessibility will be outlined in the 'Weekend Guides' you will receive closer to the Weekender.
For further information, please see our Accessibility FAQs here.
Accessibility FAQ's
Is there wheelchair access at your events? Yes, there will be wheelchair access at our events; however, we do ask you to submit your 'Eligibility' request for all requirements as soon as possible so we can provide you with a seamless experience when navigating through our events. Further information regarding wheelchair access will be outlined in the 'Weekend Guides' that you will receive closer to the Weekender.
I have mobility issues. Will I have to queue?
No. If you have mobility issues and we are aware of this before you attend our Weekender, as you have outlined your needs on the Eligibility form, we will be able to meet you at the entrance of our venues and take you through. Further information will be outlined in the 'Weekend Guides' you will receive closer to the Weekender.
Can I still make down payments/deposit payments if I require the 'Accessibility support service'?
Yes, we are inclusive, even though you may require additional support. If you submit the 'Eligibility' form before the deadline listed on the Accessibility page, down payments/deposits are accepted for a limited time only for our Weekenders. Balances must be paid on deadlines clearly stated on the main event page.
Does my wristband cover all the events if I require the 'Accessibility support service'?
The same applies to all wristband holders. From time to time, selected events will be excluded from your wristband. These events will be sold separately, and you will be notified accordingly.
Do I need travel insurance?
Yes, please ensure you have travel insurance specific to your needs when booking your flights &/or accommodation.
What is the refund policy?
Unfortunately, all payments are non-refundable or non-transferable. Please see our terms and conditions for more details.
Can I bring an Accessibility companion?
Yes, you can have an Accessibility Companion. When submitting your 'Eligibility' request, you must provide information about your needs and your companion's information.
They will also need to purchase a wristband for our Weekenders, which we advise doing after your request has been processed and you have been contacted. We also recommend that you purchase your wristbands together.
Please note: Your 'Accessibility Companion' should look out for your best interests and be on hand to assist you with all your day-to-day activities throughout our Weekenders and at our events. Our team is on hand to support you with your accessibility needs at our events and ensure your comfort and safety.
Can I leave and enter the events?
Yes, there are no restrictions about leaving and entering events. However, if upon entering, you know the time you wish to go and or reenter, please let our team aiding the Accessibility support services know. They would be more than happy to help.
Are the party locations safe?
Generally, the areas where our events are held are safe and well-policed. We prioritise that our team is equipped with the best training, awareness and understanding to make you feel extra safe. We also advise you always to exercise common vigilance whenever travelling in a different country.
Will there be specific areas where I can get a good view of the acts and feel safe?
Yes, we want you to feel included and accommodated throughout. There will be designated spacious areas for you to view the performances and acts comfortably and safely without compromising your view. You will be escorted to the areas upon entry by our team assisting with the Accessibility support services.
Will there be areas where I can take a break?
Yes, we will ensure there are specific areas where you can take a break or tend to your needs away from all the hustle and bustle. Further information will be outlined in the 'Weekend Guides' you will receive closer to the Weekender.
What if I have an emergency?
Across the Weekender, If you need to call local emergency services for assistance in the EU, please call 112. At our events, our team aiding the Accessibility support services will also be on hand to support in these circumstances. Still, we ask that your 'Accessibility companion' helps/steps in where needed.
What if I need further help or support?
If you require further assistance, please get in touch at dancehallepisode@gmail.com